
from: http://www.tumblr.com/tagged/%20doodle/page/15/1542656220,1542446213,1542022968,1541643552,1541470106,

Pequena Sereia

O meu filme preferido de e para sempre =)


Hoje quando ia para casa, vinha a ouvir esta música e a pensar: Viva as músicas românticas.

Frank Sinatra
Let's Fall In Love

We might have been meant for each other
To be or not to be
Let our hearts discover

I have a feeling
Its a feeling
I'm concealing
I dont know why
Its just a mental
Incindental, sentimental alibi

But I adore you
So strong for you
Why go on stalling
I'm falling
Love is calling
Why be shy


Lets fall in love
Why shouldn't we
Fall in love

Our hearts are made of it
Lets take a chance
Why be afraid of it

Lets close our eyes
And make our own paradise
Little we know of it
Still we can try
To make a go of it

Now we might have been meant for each other
To be or not to be
Let our hearts discover

Lets fall in love
Why shouldn't we
Fall in love

Now is the time for it
While we are young
Lets fall in love
Lets fall in love
Lets fall in love

We might have been meant for each other
To be or not to be, let our hearts discover
I have a feeling, it's a feeling I'm concealing - I don't know why
It's just a mental, incidental, sentimental - alibi
But I adore you, so strong for you
Why go on stalling, I am falling, love is calling - why be shy
Let's fall in love
Why shouldn't we fall in love
Our hearts are made of it, let's take a chance
Why be afraid of it
Let's close our eyes
And make our own paradise
Little we know of it, still we can try
To make a go of it
We might have been meant for each other
To be or not to be, let our hearts discover
Let's fall in love
Why shouldn't we fall in love
Now is the time for it, while we are young
Let's fall in love

E se fossemos cegos?

Hoje, numa aula de cultura visual, deparei-me com algumas coisas nas quais nunca tinha pensado e que consequentemente me intrigaram.
Vimos um filme sobre pessoas invisuais, pessoas que têm que depender e se apoiar nos seus outros sentidos, havia 1 homem que dizia que se lembrava das pessoas pela voz, e que através da voz conseguia perceber e sentir toda uma série de coisas em relação à outra pessoa. Se isto é bom ou mau? não tenho a certeza... mas fiquei a pensar em como seria, se o nosso aspecto/aparência não importasse, se dependesse só da nossa voz e daquilo que dizemos, acho que seria mais fácil =)